DISABILITY ACCESS: Empowering Tribal Members with Disabilities & Their Families

Provided by Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc.

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(If you don't have Internet access and now you are sad, skip to the bottom of this page.)

Alzheimer's Disease - This site from the National Institute on Aging explains what you need to know to help a parent or yourself. It discusses loss of memory and other abilities due to dementia.

Amputation - This page by a physical therapist discusses living with a limb difference.

Arthritis - This disease affecting the joints can be both painful and disabling. Although it is most common in older adults, there are 5 million people under 45 years old with arthrities.If you read not just this page from the administration on aging but also follow the links on it, you will learn much about this disease.

Asperger's syndrome: A guide for teachers - Children have difficulty with social skills and organization. They may be strong in some subject areas and very weak in others. They have trouble making friends and in understanding non-verbal behavior.

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome is often characterized by both mental retardation and visual impairment.

Dandy Walker Syndrome

Down syndrome is one of the most common causes of mental retardation. Two highly recommended sites are:

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome We recommend this page because it gives not just characteristics of people with FAS but also sound advice on how to be a better caregiver for children and young adults with FAS/FAE.

Rett Syndrome: International Rett Syndrome Association - "The child with RS usually shows an early period of apparently normal or near normal development until 6-18 months of life. A period of temporary stagnation or regression follows during which the child loses communication skills and purposeful use of the hands. Soon, stereotyped hand movements, gait disturbances, and slowing of the rate of head growth become apparent."

Spina Bifida

Usher syndrome - People with Usher syndrome are hearing-impaired and visually impaired. They may be hearing impaired at birth and gradually lose their vision or gradually experience declines in both hearing and vision. This link is the most easily understandable description of Usher syndrome we have read.


Cornucopia of Disability Information offers in-depth coverage of selected topics, rather than a little bit on everything. We particularly liked the areas on aging and universal design.

National Organization for Rare Diseases- If you did not find information you were searching for on a specific disability here, this website has information on over 1,000 rare diseases. If you, a family member or someone else you care about has a rare disease, you MUST go to this website. Living in a rural community, you may have the only child with Batten Disease, This website has information on over 1,000 rare diseases. You can find reports, fact sheets, brochures and support groups. Their research briefs are highly recommended reading.

Global Village has it. If you can't find information on the specific disability here on our website, it is almost guaranteed that Global Village has it. Click here to go to their card catalog. Some of their fact sheets are pretty technical and full of medical terms. However, if you could not find information anywhere else, they seem to have at least something on every disability on earth.

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Resources on Specific Disability in the Virtual Library


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Email us at: Info@SpiritLakeConsulting.com