Whenever text on these pages is highlighted in blue, if you click on it, it will take you to a different page. This is called a LINK. Try clicking on the next sentence to go to the first page in the next workshop. Click here to go to the introductory page for the family life & disability workshop.

then use the left arrow at the top of the page to come back here.

You can use the right, left, up and down arrow keys on your keyboard to move around on the page. Try it now.

You can also use the mouse to move the arrow you see on the computer up and down the page.


A WEB PAGE is a single page of information. You may need to scroll (move with the mouse or arrow keys) down to see the entire page.

A WEBSITE is a collection of pages linked together.

A WEB BROWSER is a type of software that lets you see web pages. Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Safari and Camino are some common web browser.

The Disability Access website is maintained on a server through Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc. However, you may not have Internet access, or your Internet access may be very slow because you are dialing up on a regular phone line.

To get to the Disability Access website, all you need to do is put in the top line of your web browser -

A HOME PAGE is the first page you would come to in a website. It is also a common page to link back to. The Disability Access home page has an index of all of the topics covered on our website and we update it at least weekly, sometimes daily. Wherever you see the HOME button (above right) you can either click on the button or the link and return to the Disability Access home page. Click on it below, and then use the back arrow to come back here.

Each of the three main sections of this introduction are shown at the top of each page. Clicking on that button will take you to the index of that section.

blue and gold back button Back to Introduction to Our Project blue and gold next button More on introduction to the Internet