Disability Access -The School Years
Answers for Tribal Members with Disabilities & Their Families
Provided by Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc.
"Making life better"

Solving Behavior Problems

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If you have attended any other SLC workshops you will know that we are very big promoters of preventing behavior problems before they occur. So, let's begin with some of the behaviors that drive many parents crazy.

Mother from Turtle MountainThe problem: My child is totally disorganized. He forgets his homework, forgets to take permission slips back to school, leaves his books at home. If it happens one more time, I'm going to ...

A few simple solutions will make your life easier.

  1. Have a place that your child puts EVERYTHING when he walks in the door. Put a box right next to the door. Before he gets distracted, make sure he drops everything - backpack, school books, into the box. We recommend having it right next to the door and not in the kitchen because if your child has attentional problems, as he walks through the living room, he will sit down to watch TV and leave his books on the floor. Do not put anything else in this box other than what came home from school today and what goes back to school tomorrow.
  2. Go through the box every night. Find any homework that needs to be done and see that your student completes it. Sign any permission slips and put them back in his backpack.
  3. Have a place for everything and be consistent about it. If you always put the permission slips in the front pocket of his student planner, then he will know where to look and won't have to remember.
  4. Get everything ready the night before. We know this can be difficult when you are tired, but it is the very, very unusual home that is not a bit disorganized getting children ready for school in the morning. If all your student has to do as he walks out the door is pick up his backpack and everything else in the box, life will be easier.

YOUR TURN! We could give many more examples, but we are sure you are tired of hearing us talk by now, so, please share your knowledge! Go to the Spirit Lake Forum and give us your advice on solving behavior problems.

NEXT arrowNext problem, my child won't do anything I tell him

Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc. -- P.O.Box 663, 314 Circle Dr., Fort Totten, ND 58335 Tel: (701) 351-2175 Fax: (800) 905 -2571
Email us at: Info@SpiritLakeConsulting.com
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